Health Benefits of Parks

Papers for reference:

  • For Children – Outdoor play in natural setting can improve motor strength, balance and coordination (Fjortoft, 2001)
  • For Elderly – Time outdoors in nature setting can improve cognition (Ottosson & Graham, 2005)
  • Spending time is associated with improved distance vision (Rose et al, 2008)
  • Regular exposure to bright natural light can increase vitamin D levels and decrease blood sugar levels among diabetics (F. E. Kuo, 2010)
  • Exposure to nature can improve depression, anxiety and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (Suglyama, Leslie, Giles-Corti & Owen, 2009)
  • Exercising outdoors can reduce sadness, anger and fatigue, and improve attention spans. (Blower, Buyung-Ali, Knight & Pullin, 2010)
  • Time spent in places with nature landscaping can encourage social interactions and integrations. (Kweah, Sullivan & Wiley, 1998)
  • Positive experiences in nature can lead to a lifelong commitment to caring for and conserving natural resources. (Wells & Lekies, 2008)
  • Time in nature may contribute to children’s cognitive, emotional, social, and education development. (Strife & Downey, 2009)